News Posts

Posted: Thu, 07/07/22

Our Third Quarter newsletter for 2022 is now published and available online at:

newsletter2022-3.pdf ( 

Thanks to Doug Berard for the excellent community newsletter!

Posted: Thu, 04/21/22

Larry Brown Construction will start work on behalf of the City in late April or early May to reroute a watermain on Puget Way. This first of two projects will consist of clearing and grubbing in the COA right-of-way, installing approximately 756 LF of 8-inch watermain and a gravel access road to maintain it. A future project will install a new watermain to the west on Western Avenue and then north to the end of Puget Way. The work will typically be 7 am to 7 pm, Monday through Friday, although construction may be allowed during weekends if necessary. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Jeff Beltramini at 360-293-1936 or

Posted: Fri, 04/15/22

Our Second Quarter newsletter for 2022 is now published and available online at:

newsletter2022-2.pdf ( 

  • Second Quarter 2022, Friday April 15th
  • Third Quarter 2022, Friday September 16th
  • Fourth Quarter 2022, Friday December 16th

Posted: Wed, 02/16/22

Our First Quarter newsletter for 2022 is now published and available online at:

newsletter2022-1.pdf ( 

  • First Quarter 2022, Friday March 1st
  • Second Quarter 2022, Friday June 17th
  • Third Quarter 2022, Friday September 16th
  • Fourth Quarter 2022, Friday December 16th

Posted: Thu, 12/02/21

A new newsletter has been issued and is available here: Quarter 4 2021. Dec.1.1.pdf

Thanks to President Doug Berard and the rest of the Board for this community update!

Posted: Sat, 10/23/21

Board meeting clipartThe minutes from the August 2021 (virtual) Board meeting have now been posted to the Documents page.

Thanks to our neighbors who volunteer to meet and deal with the community issues that come up!\


Posted: Fri, 08/13/21

The Summer 2021 SCHOA “Quarterly Newsletter” has arrived.

Hello SCHOA residents,

Find out what is happening in the Sunset Cove HOA. The Summer 2021 SCHOA “Quarterly Newsletter” is now available! Click on the image to view the PDF.

Summer 2021 Newsletter
Click to view the newsletter


We hope you are all having a healthy, safe and enjoyable Summer. 

Best Regards, 
Doug Berard
President Sunset Cove Homeowners Association 
(Email us at )

Posted: Sat, 01/30/21


zoom meetingThe HOA has acquired a Zoom account, which will allow us to conduct all of our Board meetings throughout the year.

Zoom is free for participants, but you should download and install the app on your computer or mobile device prior to a meeting. To assist you in the process, we have prepared an instruction sheet you can download and print here: Meeting Instructions (pdf)

For general information about Zoom meeting controls, see:  Zoom Meeting Controls (pdf)

Posted: Sun, 12/06/20

Info PacketLost your packet that was mailed to all homeowners?  The complete packet is posted online as a single pdf file. Complete information about the upcoming Annual Meeting is available to Members under the Members Only Tab. The packet is posted there, or click here to view it now.

-Jackie Etsell, SCHOA Treasurer

(P.S.:  Members must be logged in to view the information. Instructions for logging in are here:

Posted: Thu, 12/03/20

The NextDoor app is a great way to keep in touch with neighbors. We now have a sub-group devoted to Sunset Cove HOA members. 

If you’re not already on it, here is a link to try it out:

nextdoor screenshot