Washington Park Estates Tree Trimming

Dear Washington Park Estate Residents -

This email is follow up to our Fall 2019 newsletter where we shared that the trees along Washington Boulevard, from Sunset Avenue to Observation Avenue, are in need of trimming in order to accommodate the City of Anacortes street sweeper.

On Tuesday, October 29th, at the SCHOA meeting, representatives from the City of Anacortes (Bill Larsen, Street Manager, Sandy Anderson, Operations Manager and Diane Hennebert, Storm Water Manager) and Simply Yards (Jennifer Aase) were in attendance to discuss the City’s request in more detail. 

The City remarked that the trees have grown and are interfering with the sweeper being able to service our neighborhood.  The City reminded residents that they have the legal right to trim the trees in order to maintain the streets.  Our streets will not be serviced until the trees are trimmed, which may cause issues with storm drains backing up and possible flooding of streets.  If the residents do not respond to the City's request to trim the trees along Washington Boulevard and Observation Avenue, residents are at risk of the City coming to trim the trees.  The City will NOT use an arborist to trim the trees, therefore leaving the trees at risk of being damaged and possible loss. 

In response to the discussion the SCHOA Landscape Committee has made arrangements with Simply Yards to offer a discounted rate to trim the trees along Washington Boulevard and Observation Avenue:

  • Trees will be trimmed by professional arborist
  • Price, $42 per tree includes street and sidewalk pruning only.  No canopy pruning.
  • Pruning to be done in dormant season (December or January)
  • Residents will be directly invoiced by Simply Yards for service completed

The Landscape Committee encourages ALL residents to respond to the City’s request and trim their trees.  The landscaped medians and tree-lined streets are truly an asset to our community.  Maintaining your property benefits the entire community.  We ask that you please do your part.

 If you wish to have Simply Yards complete the pruning of your trees, please respond to me with the below information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Number of trees to be pruned
    Residents may also choose to complete the trimming themselves or set up service with the company of their choice.

 Lets work to keep Sunset Cove one of the most pristine and sought out neighborhoods to live in in Anacortes.

 Sincerely -
Kim Graf
SCHOA Landscape Chair

